How to Position Your Saas in saturated B2B Markets

Jun 11, 2022


Narayan Prasath

“You can't be everything to everyone, but you can be something great for someone.”

- Arielle Jackson

Nearly all great SaaS successes are rooted in strategic product positioning and this article explains how this process works.

Understanding this is important because strategic positioning is one of the most essential skills you need to possess to craft a successful brand.

Anyone can learn to position their product by leveraging the tips we have covered in this article.

That's not to say positioning is easy.

Uncovering your positioning statement requires deliberation and iterations.

However, the approach laid out here should help demystify the positioning process and illuminate the path to more successful strategies.

To better explain how this process unfolds in practice, let me share the core principles of good positioning.

Good positioning unlocks a handful of critical achievements:

Removes Friction → Your message glides into the minds of your audience. Making it so clear and engaging that it feels effortless for them to grasp what you’re saying. Eliminates Amiguity → Makes it obvious what you stand for and how you differ from the rest. Leaving no room for confusion, clarifying your offering sharp and directly. Carves Your Market Space → Creating a space that’s unmistakably yours. It goes beyond mere visibility or uniqueness; it's about why your distinction matters to your audience, making them feel recognized and valued.

Pivoting from theory to practice, let's examine how these principles can be illustrated with a couple of examples.

Both companies—Butter, and Mutiny—illustrate a unique approach to positioning, demonstrating the power of strategic differentiation in establishing a brand that not only stands out but also resonates deeply with its intended customers.


Butter's approach to positioning within the subscription management SaaS sector is exemplary of how a focused value proposition can carve out a stronghold in a crowded space.

In a crowd cluttered with generic solutions, Butter’s perception shaping positioning as the churn stopper isn’t just smart; it’s an assertion of identity in the marketplace.

By branding itself as the ultimate solution to churn—a prevalent challenge in subscription businesses—Butter not only addresses a specific pain point but also cleverly differentiates itself from myriad competitors.

The brand name 'Butter' and the tagline ‘where churn ends’ is a strategic masterpiece, embodying ease and efficiency while engaging curiosity and conversation. This is a prime example of how brand narrative and differentiation converge to create a strong market position.

It’s fascinating to see how Butter, by zeroing in on churn, not only sets itself apart but also becomes the go-to solution in a niche.

This laser focus is a reminder that sometimes, in business, less truly is more.



Mutiny's rise as the 'Personalization Powerhouse' in the realm of conversion rate optimization tools reflects a deep understanding of market needs and the importance of niche specialization.

By focusing on personalization, Mutiny transcends traditional metrics of success to prioritize meaningful customer experiences. This focus not only differentiates them within a crowded market but also aligns with evolving marketing trends that value individualized engagement.

Their disruptive approach to marketing is weaved in their branding, suggesting a departure from conventional strategies towards a more personalized marketing frontier. It’s a strategic branding decision that enhances their narrative.

Mutiny's rebellion against one-size-fits-all solutions does more than just captivate attention; it builds a tribe of loyal followers.

It’s a testament to the power of knowing your audience and tailoring your solution to speak directly to their desires.

Today, Mutiny's positioning has naturally evolved, cementing their reputation as the cornerstone within the Account-Based Marketing (ABM) landscape. Signifying a broader view of marketing excellence, where personalization is not just a tactic but a foundational aspect of meaningful engagement within the B2B realm.

We'll delve into the importance of maintaining a flexible stance and being adaptive with your positioning to support the continuous evolution of your product. But more on that later in the blog post.

So, what is Positioning?

And how does one go about it.

To define positioning in a structured manner.

'Positioning serves as a compass that guides how you present your product to the world.'

It starts with crafting a positioning statement, a concise set of words that encapsulated the essence of your brand's place in the market and the minds of your future customers.

Here's how you go about creating one: For (target customerWho (statement of need or opportunity), (Product name) is a (product categoryThat (statement of key benefit). Unlike (competing alternative) (Product name)(statement of primary differentiation).

  1. Who your ideal customer is—the specific group of people you aim to serve.

  2. What their needs or opportunities are—the problems they face that you're uniquely equipped to solve.

  3. How your product fits into the broader market—the category it belongs to and its key benefits.

  4. Why your product stands out—the unique differentiators that set you apart from competitors.

So for example:

Nike Positioning Statement will be something like "For athletes in need of high-quality, fashionable athletic wear, Nike offers customers top-performing sports apparel and shoes made of the highest quality materials. Its products are the most advanced in the athletic apparel industry because of Nike's commitment to innovation and investment in the latest technologies." Mutiny "For B2B marketers aiming to convert more website visitors into leads, Mutiny is a no-code web personalization platform that effortlessly tailors your site to each visitor. Unlike traditional A/B testing tools that treat all visitors the same, Mutiny leverages AI to offer actionable data, personalized content, and real-time performance insights, ensuring your marketing efforts directly contribute to revenue growth." Butter "For subscription-based businesses facing involuntary churn due to failed payments, Butter Payments offers a specialized recovery solution that leverages machine learning to instantly address, optimize and recovers each failed transaction recovering lost revenue. Unlike generic batch processors, Butter's tailored approach integrates directly with payment systems to significantly boost ARR with minimal customer impact"

How to think about Positioning?

So, crafting your positioning revolves around deeply understanding the who, what, how, and why of your product. This is the challenging but crucial part.

If your product genuinely meets a need and captivates your target audience, articulating a compelling positioning statement should flow naturally. Struggling with this process can be a revealing indicator—it might suggest the need to refine your product or its market fit.

Working on the positioning statement is more than a marketing exercise. It's psychological.

It's about carefully thinking 'How do I want my brand to be remembered?'

The end result is one of deliberate thought process and early choices shape how your brand will be ingrained in the memory of your future customers.

But remember, while you can steer the perception of your brand, you can't control every aspect of how it will be perceived.

As a founder, marketer, or strategist, you wield the tools to shape these perceptions. The pressure to get it right might be daunting, but it's important to remember that SaaS startups are in a constant state of evolution, adapting and iterating based on feedback and changing markets.

The key here is to get the positioning statement that's close enough.

It should represent your identity. And the foundation of your brand's identity lies in your value proposition, your unique strengths, and the specific problem you're solving.

Simple steps to get you started:

Step 1: Uncover what sets you apart. Why do you exist? Step 2: Know your audience inside out and speak their language Step 3: Pay attention to other players. Keenly and clearly carve out your space by delineating from the crowd. Step 4: Embrace feedback and keep evolving.

Step 1: Uncover what sets you apart. Why do you exist?

Initial step of uncovering what sets you apart is foundational. This is about diving deep to articulate the unique problem your startup is solving and why your solution is not just another option but a necessary innovation.

Think of this as your startup's core identity—the "why" behind its existence. It's imperative to crystallize this into a concise statement that captures the essence of your mission, resonating not only internally with your team but also serving as the guiding star for all strategic decisions. This statement is your startup's DNA, embodying its unique value proposition and the impact it aims to make in the market.

It's about understanding the deeper purpose of your startup. What gap in the market are you filling? Why should your solution matter to your target audience? This requires introspection and market analysis to ensure your offering is not only viable but vital. Remember, in a sea of SaaS solutions, clarity on your unique existence is what will make your startup stand out and connect with your audience on a meaningful level.

Reflecting on these questions and solidifying your unique position in the market is not just an exercise but a strategic necessity. It informs product development, marketing strategies, and customer engagement, ensuring your startup's trajectory is not just about growth but about fulfilling a unique need in a way that no one else can.

Step 2: Know your audience inside out and speak their language

Empathize with their challenges and aspirations. For B2B SaaS founders, this means immersing yourself in the world of your users, grasping every nuances of their daily professional struggles.

Speak to them on a personal level.

Go beyond just the vernacular, sharing emotional aspects to deeply resonate with their experiences.

That's the only way to make them feel you know them.

This approach not only makes your message more compelling but also builds a connection that transcends the transactional, fostering loyalty, genuine appreciation and advocacy for your brand.

Step 3: Pay attention to other players. Keenly and clearly carve out your space by delineating from the crowd.

Standing out is not just about being different; it's about being strategically different.

For B2B SaaS founders, this means a deep dive into understanding not just who your competitors are but how they position themselves in the market.

Identify the common themes in your sector—what are the table stakes, and what are the perceived gaps?

By examining your competitive landscape you can identify areas where your product or service truly excels or addresses a need that's currently underserved.

You're not reinventing the wheel but highlighting unique aspects of your offering that genuinely matter to your target audience. Perhaps it's your technology's ease of integration, its scalability, or even the way it simplifies complex processes.

These distinctions should be rooted in real value, not just marketing spin.

Goal here is to draw a clear line in the sand that delineates your space from the rest, making clear what you are and what you're not.

This isn't a call to diminish the competition but to elevate your own brand by emphasizing what makes it uniquely capable of solving your customers' problems.

Your narrative should be compelling, grounded in reality, and reflective of the genuine advantages your solution offers.

Step 4: Embrace feedback and keep evolving.

In this process, leverage every piece of feedback, market insight, and customer testimonial you gather. These inputs are invaluable in refining your positioning, ensuring it resonates with your audience, and stays relevant as market dynamics evolve.

Cultivating a culture of listening, where customer insights become the cornerstone of innovation helps you navigate the competitive landscape with agility and precision, ensuring your SaaS solution not only enters the market strong but continues to make waves long after.

Success stories, from Slack to Loom, illustrate how the strategic evolution of positioning can mirror growth, market share expansion, and the evolving perception of a brand.

This evolution is not just a byproduct of growth but a deliberate strategy that leverages feedback and market insights to refine and redefine the brand's place in the market.

Embracing feedback and being open to change allows your startup to adapt its positioning to reflect its current stature and future aspirations, ensuring that your messaging resonates with your evolving audience and market landscape.

While you being thinking about positioning here are some essential angles, best practices and common pitfalls that we have curated:

Here's a concise overview tips to remember: Best Practices Common Pitfalls Fundamentals Ground Your Strategy in Fundamentals Establish a solid foundation with a clear purpose, positioning, and brand identity. Overlooking the Foundation for Quick Tactics Bypassing the strategic groundwork in favor of immediate actions. Core Purpose Clarify Your Core Purpose Craft a straightforward, memorable mission that guides your brand. Complicating Your Core Message Creating a convoluted mission that confuses more than clarifies. Market Category Thoughtfully Choose Your Market Category Accurately define your niche to align your startup within the market landscape. Misjudging Your Market Niche Misclassifying your startup, leading to misplaced market efforts. Competitors Accurately Identify Competitors Recognize the true alternatives your target customers consider. Misdirected Competitive Focus Wasting energy on competing with startups outside your true market. Functional Benefits Prioritize Communicating Functional Benefits Initially focus on the tangible benefits your product offers. Premature Emphasis on Emotional Appeal Relying too heavily on emotional branding before establishing value. Brand Personality Cultivate a Unique Brand Personality Develop a brand voice and personality that resonates with your audience. Overlooking Brand Personality Neglecting to create a relatable and distinct brand personality.


Ultimately, effective positioning requires a balance between specificity and vision.

It's about being clear on what you offer and why it matters, all while maintaining the flexibility to adapt and evolve.

This is the essence of strategic positioning in the SaaS world—where clarity meets agility. Helping you navigate complex scenarios with a solid footing.

To recap, and get you headed in the right direction. Start by thinking of your positioning statement.

For (target customer) Who (statement of need or opportunity), (Product name) is a (product category) That (statement of key benefit). Unlike (competing alternative) (Product name)(statement of primary differentiation).

This statement is not just a declaration of intent; it's a fundamental pillar that will influence every facet of your business from its inception. It plays a crucial role in aligning your marketing strategies, setting clear goals, guiding your hiring processes, and ultimately, shaping the culture of your organization.

It is the foundation upon which your company's identity is built and evolves.

Whether you're crafting your initial positioning statement or looking to iterate on your existing strategy, we're here to guide you through each step of the journey.

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